Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Duathlon Postponed until next Wednesday to 18th

Due to the weather it is too dangerous to go ahead with the Duathlon today. We have postponed it until next Wednesday the 18th of March.

In the event that it's wet next Wednesday the Duathlon will be cancelled.

Thanks for your support.

Team 3/4

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Room 12's Team Building Challenge.

To help us practise and improve on our team work skills we set a team challenge in Room 12. 

We decided on the rules, materials, teams, and success criteria. 

We had to work together as a team to create something that would keep an egg safe from being dropped from a height ( the green bridge on the senior field). 

The teams worked amazingly well and some very successful at keeping their eggs safe. We had a 50% egg safe rate. 

There were two winning teams- the team with a safe egg who worked well together, meeting all of our success criteria and then a team whose egg cracked but they still meet the criteria. 

Well done Reem, Yousef, Annabel, Sakura and Jasmine who were members of the winning teams! 

Here are some photos from our cool team challenge.

Tennis With Shane

We've been very lucky to have Tennis lessons with Shane from the Avonhead Tennis Club. Last week we had so much fun getting comfortable with a tennis racket and ball and also working on our teamwork skills! 
We're looking forward to having Shane back tomorrow for some more lessons!

More fun with Tim

We love having Tim to take us for games and help teach how to be a good team and team mate. We learned how to play bench ball a couple of weeks ago. It was a great challenge that we really enjoyed! 

Monday, 2 March 2015

Top Team Fun

We were very lucky to have Top Team, from Canterbury sport, come to school and help us with our team building skills. 
We had so much fun!